Sunday Family Worship

Nursery care available

1208 St Johns Place
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Phone: (718) 774-5689

These are Ministry Areas mandated by the Polity of the United Methodist Church, to provide an efficient structure of organization for the church, and to ensure proper accountability of the church’s ministries, stewardship of church’s property and finance. The members of each Ministry Area are elected annually at the Charge Conference chaired by the presiding District Superintendent. The functioning Ministry Areas at Bethany United Methodist Church are as follows:

Committee on Lay Leadership

The role of the Committee on Lay Leadership is to identify and select those members of the congregation who are deemed to be suitable to serve on committees appropriate to their spiritual gifts and ensuring inclusivity and diversity in their decision making. The persons who have agreed to serve on designated committees are then presented at the Charge Conference for confirmation of their election. Members of this committee are elected to serve for a three-year term. The committee is required to meet in closed session, and information shared in the committee is to be kept confidential.

Staff Pastor Parish Relations Committee

The Staff Pastor Parish Relations Committee is the personnel arm of the church. The committee is responsible for assisting the pastor and staff in assessing their gifts, maintaining health holistically and work-life balance, and setting priorities for leadership and service. A requirement for membership on this committee is that those who serve must be engaged in and attentive to their Christian spiritual development to give proper leadership in the responsibilities with which the committee is entrusted. The duties of the committee include the following:

  • Encourage, strengthen, nurture, support, and respect the pastor and staff and their families
  • Promote unity in the church
  • Confer with and counsel the pastor and staff on matters pertaining to the effectiveness of ministry; relationships with the congregation; the pastor’s health and self-care.

Board of Trustees

The members of the Board of Trustees have the awesome responsibility for maintaining all the physical assets of the church; i.e. the real and personal property of the church. They evaluate and assess the physical needs of the properties and make the necessary recommendation for action where needed. Each member is elected for a three term.

Committee on Finance

The members of the Committee on Finance are the financial gatekeepers of the church. They are charged with the responsibility for developing and implementing plans that will raise sufficient income to meet the budget adopted by the church council. The committee consists of a chairperson; a treasurer and two assistant treasurers; a financial secretary and an assistant financial secretary. The treasurer provides quarterly financial status reports at church council meetings. They actively participate in fundraising activities and closely monitor the financial health of the church.

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