Sunday, January 12, 2025
Liturgist: Sis. Alicia Grant
Media Team: Tynisa Caesar, Sanville Vernon, Nevel Burnett, David Thomas, Noah Thomas, Barnet Moriah
Praise Team: Alana Chang, LaTanya Davis, Hugh Fletcher
Organist: L. Daniel Jean /Drummer: Maurice Facey
Pastor: Dr. Andrea Smith
PRELUDE: Organist Daniel Jean
WELCOME: Sis. Alicia Grant
L: When we pass through the cleansing waters of baptism and the troubled waters of our lives, God declares:
P: I will be with you.
L: When we go through the fires that refine us and the fires that threaten our livelihoods, God declares:
P: I will be with you.
L: Even when we travel to the far corners of the earth or down into the depths of our souls, God declares:
P: I will be with you.
L: So come, let us worship God whose love never fails, whose presence never leaves, whose mercies never end.
P: Praise be to God who, in the form of Jesus, waded into the waters of baptism to prove God’s solidarity with us! Amen.
OPENING HYMN: “Come, Thou Almighty King” UMH# 61
Eternal Father, at the baptism of Jesus you revealed him to be your Son
and anointed him with the Holy Spirit, Keep all who are born of water and the Spirit faithful to their calling as your people; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen
PRAISE and WORSHIP: “Jesus, Lamb of God, When I Think About The Lord”
As Disciples of Jesus Christ, our Mission is to be:
Demonstrators of His Love,
Messengers of His Gospel,
and Sharers of His Teachings.
Old Testament: Isa. 43:1-7
New Testament: Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
The word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God.
GLORIA PATRI: “Glory Be To the Father” 0MH#70
We welcome your Tithes and Offerings today as we honor the Lord through our giving. Offerings can be given through various ways: give to an Usher, deposit in the offering basket, drop off in the church mailbox or through PayPal or Zelle. If you are using Zelle please enter to find us.
OFFERTORY: (MARCHING) Please turn to the window and follow the directions of the Ushers.
OFFERTORY HYMN: “Halle, Halle, Hallelujah”
DOXOLOGY: “Thank you, Lord”
Loving God, who guides us with your everlasting presence, we offer these gifts with grateful hearts. As Jesus stood with us in the waters of baptism, may these offerings stand as a testament to your love and grace. Use them to bring hope, healing, and transformation to our world. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.
HYMN: “Guide My Feet” AAHH# 131
SERMON: Pastor Andrea Smith
ALTAR CALL HYMN: “Stand By Me (When the Storm of Life are Raging)” UMH# 512
PASTORAL PRAYER: Pastor Andrea Smith
CLOSING HYMN: “O Worship the King” UMH# 73
BENEDICTION: Pastor Andrea Smith
May the Triune God, whose presence surrounds you always and everywhere, bless you with the deep assurance that you are never alone. In the waters, in the fires, in the far corners of the world, God is with us. Thanks be to God. Amen.
Let us get to know each other and learn each other. Pastor invited all those 40 years and older to submit your baby picture or up to 5 years old. We are making it fun as we guess to identify each other.
Calling all married couples…it time to renew your wedding vows. We invite you to join us for service on Sunday Feb. 9. @ 11 am service.
Grenada Independence Service will be held here at Bethany on Sunday February 9@4pm.
We will be celebrating Black History Month as we invite you a dramatic presentation after service in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday Feb 16 after morning service. More information to come.
Confirmation Classes will begin on Saturday, January 18. Please register with Deaconess Monica or Pastor.
Please hold onto your bulletins. Announcements and Sick and Shut-In List will only be given out on First Sundays.
As the media team is learning the new system, please limit disturbances and interruptions on the balcony so they may concentrate.
Bible study will resume on 1/15/25.
Our New Bible Study will begin in January. Please collect your Bible Study booklets from Sis. Jennifer.
Pastor is looking to have the following meetings in the New Year, please take note. All meetings will be on Thursdays via Zoom at 8 pm with the following Zoom information meeting ID # 865 8901 0738 passcode code: 537947
The dates are as follows: 1/16- Lay Leadership Committee (Colleen Barrington, Eleanor Thomas, SuGinia Jones, Diana Russell, Joan McPherson, Shirlon Williams, Jennifer Joseph)
1/23- SPPRC
1/30- Class Leaders
We want to be a blessing to the community and we would appreciate donations of slightly used coats, cleaned, and in good condition for men. The coats can be dropped off at the church on Sundays and Mondays until the end of February.
Thank you for your generosity!
Pastor is inviting you to join her for Wednesday Morning Prayer by phone at
6 am telephone number 267-807-9601 access code: 843974659#
Sick and Shut-In List
Name |
Clemen Holder |
Thelma Martin |
Emily Isles |
Eastlyn Welch |
Pauline Osborne |
Grace Gyimah |
Sandra Dubois |
Jean Best |
Amelia Cooper |
Hortense Drew |
Hilda Dyce |
Pinkney Headley |
Julita Jermin |
Noel Luckain |
Joyce Thompson |
Sydney Campbell |
Queenie Power |
Daphne John |
Una Wickham |
Silvine Moore |
Reginald Lawrence |
Caroline Nanton |
Carmen Headley |
Veronica Jackson |
Cynthia Strachan |