Bethany United Methodist Church
World Communion Sunday
October 6, 2024
Liturgist: Sis. Donella Bracey
Media Team: Tynisa Caesar, Sanville Vernon, Nevel Burnett, David Thomas, Noah Thomas, Barnet Moriah
Praise Team: Alana Chang, LaTanya Davis, Hugh Fletcher
Organist: L. Daniel Jean /Drummer: Maurice Facey
Pastor: Dr. Andrea Smith
PRELUDE: Organist Daniel Jean
WELCOME: Sis. Donella Bracey
L: Today, on World Communion Sunday, we remember that we are one. Today, we celebrate the Spirit of God that moves throughout God’s people across all of creation.
P: We are one in Christ.
L: Today we remember our responsibility to bear with one another in love, to maintain unity by the bond of peace and to be the body of Christ in the world.
P: We are one body.
L: Today we recall that, as members of one body, we can make a difference in a world of people in need of the hope of the love of Christ. Today, we recognize this hope that unites us and sustains us.
P: We are people of one hope.
L: Today we celebrate our unity. We set aside the small things that can divide us and remember that, with God, we can overcome all things. Today we are reminded that only with gentleness and humility can we clearly see God’s plan for us.
P: We are people of one Lord.
L: Today, on World Communion Sunday, we acknowledge that we belong to God and to each other. We share the bread and the cup of Holy Communion. And through our gifts on this special Sunday, we provide scholarships and other opportunities so that people around the world can serve Jesus Christ.
All: We are people of one God who is above all and through all.
OPENING HYMN: “My Hope Is Built” UMH# 368
OPENING PRAYER: (be seated)
Let us Pray:
L: Peacemaking God, we pray for the peace of our world. A day does not go by when somewhere in the world Christians gather to eat, pray, serve, and worship you as a community. Whether it’s around an altar or a kitchen table, your people gather as one Body in Christ. And yet, we know for many, those gatherings happen amidst war, famine, weather crises, political unrest, and communal fracturing. And so, we lift our siblings around the world, our communities, and all of creation to you, and we cry out for your peace to reign among us.
P: God in your mercy, Hear our Prayer
L: Loving God, we pray for the well-being of your creation. The lands are parched or flooded, the air is thick with imbalance, the waters are warming and rising. We have neglected our role as stewards of creation, and we feel powerless to make a difference. And so, we lift the earth to you, and we cry out for your love to inspire and empower us to tend your creation, our home.
P: God in Your mercy Hear our Prayer
L:Saving God, we pray for the liberation of all who are oppressed. Around the world, people are enslaved and trafficked, exploited for the gain of others. Laborers are underpaid and overworked to feed a bottom line they will never benefit from. People fear for their lives and well-being because of the color of their skin, the sound of their accent, their religious beliefs, or their address. And so, we lift the least and the last to you, and we cry out for your salvation to pour out of our hands and into all corners of the globe to free the oppressed and the forgotten.
P: God in Your Mercy hear our Prayer
L:Hope-bringing God, we pray for unity throughout creation. Where divisions reign, bring reconciliation. Where distrust has taken root, show us how to till the ground with mercy and grace. Where racism, patriarchy, classism, ableism, and homophobia tear us apart, sew us back together with your love as we seek forgiveness, accountability, and reconciliation together. Guide us, O God, as we lift ourselves, our community, and our world to you.
ALL: God, in your mercy, hear our prayer. In Jesus Name: Amen
RESPONSE: Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying
PRAISE and WORSHIP: “Jesus I Love You, I Know Who I AM”
As Disciples of Jesus Christ, our Mission is to be:
Demonstrators of His Love,
Messengers of His Gospel,
and Sharers of His Teachings.
Old Testament: Job 1:1; 2:1-10
New Testament: Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12
The word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God.
GLORIA PATRI: “He is Lord” UMC# 177
We welcome your Tithes and Offerings today as we honor the Lord through our giving. Offerings can be given through various ways: give to an Usher, deposit in the offering basket, drop off in the church mailbox or through PayPal or Zelle. If you are using Zelle please enter to find us.
OFFERTORY: (MARCHING) Please turn to the window and follow the directions of the Ushers.
OFFERTORY HYMN: “This Little Light of Mine” UMC# 585
DOXOLOGY: “Thank You, Lord” UMH# 84
God of grace and mercy, as we bring our gifts before you today, we remember your infinite love that welcomes everyone, especially the vulnerable and the overlooked. Just as Jesus embraced the little children, we bring our offerings, hoping to reflect our dedication to living out your kingdom’s values. Help us to see and meet the needs around us with open hearts and willing hands, extending your grace and compassion to all. Bless these gifts and use them to further your work in our community and beyond, so everyone may know and feel your love. Amen.
SELECTION: Bethany Cathedral Choir
SERMON: Pastor Andrea Smith
COMMUNION: Pgs: 7-12
Communion Hymn: “Precious Lord, Take My Hand” UMH#474
PASTORAL PRAYER: Pastor Andrea Smith
CLOSING HYMN: “We’ll Understand Better By and By” UMH#525
BENEDICTION: Pastor Andrea Smith
Go in peace, love, and care for one another in Christ’s name. Go in the confidence of people who have found mercy through him; keep the commandments and let go of all that binds you to the ways of this world. May God come close to you and keep you safe; may Christ Jesus reward your faithfulness a hundredfold; and may the Holy Spirit be your help in time of need, both now and forevermore. Amen.
Evening Bible Study for this week only is cancelled. Pastor has to attend a funeral. Please take note.
Pastor is encouraging Laity to attend the UMC Laity Conference held on Saturday, November 16th from 9:30 am – 3 pm in White Plains $30 per person. Please register with Sis. Suginia or Sis. Alicia. We will look into traveling accommodation.
We’re excited to announce the restart of our Sunday School program! It has begun today and we are offering two classes:
- Ages 5-8
- Ages 9-12
Classes will be held from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM every Sunday.
We’re looking for dedicated teachers who are passionate about the Bible and love working with children. If you’re interested in joining our teaching team, please reach out to Sis. Sharone or Sis. Mayleen.
Let’s come together to nurture the faith of our children
Our Bible study has resumed on Wednesdays. We’ll be continuing our study of the book of Esther.
Midday Bible Study: 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM Evening Bible Study: 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM. Both studies will be conducted via Zoom. We look forward to your participation!
Zoom Information:
Meeting ID: 843 3420 6486
Passcode: 099590
If you want to become a member or have your child baptized, please speak to the Pastor.
In preparation for the Charge Conference, Pastor is asking ALL committees to meet and prepare your end-of-the-year reports. All end of the year reports are due. Our Charge Conference is scheduled for Saturday November 30, at 4pm. This conference will be held at Janes UMC
If you are willing to serve on a committee, please speak to that Committee’s Chairperson to be a part of the group.
Pastoral Counseling Available
Pastor will be available for pastoral counseling on Fridays from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM and on select Saturdays. To schedule an appointment, please contact the church office.
Pastor is inviting you to join her for Wednesday Morning Prayer by phone at 6 am; telephone number 267-807-9601 access code: 843974659#
Trip to Sight & Sound in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, to see ‘Daniel’
Saturday, December 7th, 2024
The bus departs the church at 7:00 am sharp
Tickets – Adults – $250.00 Children (6-12) $210.00.
Seats are still available and final payment is due on 10/27/2024.
Sick and Shut-In List
Name | Telephone |
Thelma Martin | 718-251-2903 |
Emily Isles | 718-346-0817 |
Eastlyn Welch | 718-774-3955 |
Pauline Osborne | Four Seasons |
Grace Gyimah | 917-334-7105 |
Sandra Dubois | 718-774-4836 |
Jean Best | 718-778-4179 |
Amelia Cooper | 347-406-7270 |
Hortense Drew | 718-467-4021 |
Hilda Dyce | 718-251-6351 |
Pinkney Headley | 718-342-1056 |
Julita Jermin | 718-968-0374 |
Noel Luckain | 718-451-5114 |
Joyce Thompson | 718-649-6550 |
Sydney Campbell | 347-204-0850 |
Queenie Power | 917-257-0910 |
Daphne John | NY Congregational |
Una Wickham | 718-773-8645 |
Silvine Moore | 718-363-1091 |
Reginald Lawrence | 347-792-0159 |
Caroline Nanton | 917-789-0722 |
Carmen Headley | 718-735-4189 |
Veronica Jackson | 934-867-9373 |
Cynthia Strachan | 347-262-1816 |
Jocelyn Matterson | 917-753-3270 |