Greetings in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
My Name is Dr. Andrea Smith and I have joined the Bethany Family as Pastor from July 2023. I am the proud Mother of one son, Timothy and one grandson, Elijah.
I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior at the age of 16. I acknowledged my calling to ministry at the age of 40. I love the Lord and He is the best thing that has happened to me. You may ask why do I share this. I share this because I want you to understand where my passion for the things of God come from. I am passionate about my ministry of serving God and bringing others to that place where they would know Him for themselves.
When you enter Bethany UMC, my hope is that you would experience the Love of Christ through a handshake, greeting, smile, song, prayer or preached Word. My desire is that you would see and hear God for yourself that you would leave different than when you entered; you would leave transformed and renewed.
Jesus Christ is the answer for the world today and I hope that you would come and have worship with us. We welcome YOU!
We have other activities besides Sunday Worship Service. Our soup kitchen has been in operation since 1989 and is open every Tuesday rain, hail, sleet or snow and is open from 12:30pm-2:30pm. In 2022, to respond to the changes that were brought about by the pandemic, we opened a food pantry that gives out food staples to the community every other Tuesday from 12:30-3:00pm.
We have a Saturday Program for children and youth (10am -4pm). On Saturdays, they have Bible lessons, learning Spanish, inter-active activities, day trips(occasionally). We have community Jazz concerts during the summer. We also have day trips to different venues and weekend trips from time to time.
There is something here for you and if you don’t see it then maybe you are the one to start it right here at Bethany.
I extend a personal invitation for you to join us here at Bethany. Services are at 11:00am. Stop by anytime. YOU ARE WELCOME HERE!
Pastor Andrea Smith